First let me say these pictures are property of the 145th
Combat Aviation Battalion (Vietnam) Association and the person that sent it
in. All images remain the personal property of this site and the contributor
of the photo. You may download them for your personal use but they may not
be published or used on any other site without written permission from the
webmaster and the contributor. So please don’t break copyright laws. If you
need a copy please contact us and we will see what we can do.
Click here to view
our Vietnam Picture Display
It has taken a couple of years and a little bit of learning to put the pages
together this way. I tried to arrange the pictures by year then by unit. I
wanted to have the small picture multiple view and also be able to click on
a picture to enlarge it without losing the small view, and without the loading
and reloading of the views. There is about 50 to 70 pictures on a page and
it takes a minute or so to load the page the first time but should be quick
after that.
Most of these pictures came from our picture display we setup at our Reunions.
I combined the pictures and the database together. All the pictures have a
number so if you would like to offer more info about a picture please refer
to the picture number.
When you click on the link above it will take you to the 1962 picture page,
from there you can click on the other year pages. Some pages cover more then
one year and some years take many pages.
We are always looking for more pictures. If you would like to contribute
more pictures to be enjoyed by your fellow unit brothers, please contact me.
Thank you.