Pictures from the 2007 Reunion

Hotel Lobby breakfast

Hotel Lobby breakfast

Our buses to Ft Rucker

Ready for the bus trip

Ready for the bus trip

Ready for the bus trip

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command

1st Bn 145th Avn Regt
Change of Command
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